modern social media strategy by Jeff Wycoff

NOME Future Science

NOME Future Science

NOME invented, patented and produced the Magik battery. To this day, they remain at the forefront of the business of marrying Magik with high technology making them one of the most financially powerful companies in the world. Despite this, NOME is well liked by the public and government for being fairly non-political.

NOME's operating procedure is simple: innovate constantly, sell to everyone and protect the secrets of NOME technology by any means possible. When left alone, NOME is fairly passive as far as super-corporations go. When their intellectual property is threatened, however, the entire world is reminded of the political, legal and military power that all of the money in the world can buy.

NOME makes weapons only for use by its own security forces. These energy weapons are not widely sought after despite their vastly superior reliability, range, accuracy and stopping power due to their rarity and resulting hard to find replacement parts and ammunition. Illicitly owning or selling a NOME manufactured weapon is likely to draw the formidable attention of the company's loss prevention department, as well.